Our Happy (Pet) Family

Calli, Katniss and Finn



Massillon, Ohio


Calli was a breeder’s reject. She has a genetic fault that resulted in her being a “dilute”, meaning that she has a brown nose, lips and paw pads instead of the required black, and she has beautiful light brown/hazel eyes instead of the very dark brown. She is also freakishly large for a Bichon, about the size of two “normal” Bichons.


Tormenting our cats, rolling in stinky things, meeting new people, and eating


Riding in cars, “scary” things outside, and did we mention cars?

Finn and Katniss


Winchester, VA


Finn and Katniss came to us from a rescue based in Winchester. Their litter, along with their mother, was brought to the rescue by a good samaritan after their mother showed up on the samaritan’s doorstep for the second time about to deliver her litter. The woman was able to find homes for the first litter but when mother cat came to her door for her next litter, the women was in the process of moving homes so she brought mom and the kittens to the rescue. We were fortunate to have the first pick from the litter and chose the adorable Katniss and handsome Finn. 



Going for takeout (mice, chipmunks, birds) when the food is not to his liking, boxes, licking plastic bags, chewing headphone wires, wrestling with the dog, and sleeping.


Other dogs, strangers in his house, and most varieties of canned food.



Food, all food, hunting and playing with her catches until they can’t play anymore, eating, taking refuge in her under the stairs closet (a la Harry Potter), sleeping, and food.


Not being fed, being wrestled by the dog, other dogs, strangers in the house, and not being fed.

Calli vs Finn

Calli Discovers a New Friend